Friday, January 11, 2013

Turkish Travel; Kampala

This is amazing. Absolutely amazing.  Life is so different here, I literally can't even describe it.  Istanbul was also so eye openining.  It was so beautiful and at some parts, little children would come up to you with their hands open begging for money.  For the majority though, it was so cool and way more well off.  Americans sometimes think that the world revolves around them and that is so not true, something I quickly discovered.  We went to the spice market and I was  a blonde haired American.  If I could tell you the amount of times I was told "I like your face, hello beautiful, better than Jenifer Aniston, Let me take you home with me."  I would have a sea of children :P  
I haven't even made it Mbale (the village that I'm staying in yet)  we're are staying at a hostel in Kampala (the capitol) until the rest of the girls get here (tonight).  I've already seen some slums and let me tell you, they are so sad.  NEVER take what you have for granted.  The people here are SOOOOOO nice!  They are so polite, it's so refreshing.  They don't care who you are, they'll talk to you and help you in any way they can even if they can't help themselves.  (which btw, they are doing well for their standards, they are happy. mostly)  I saw a prostitute along the streets tonight...they yell out selling themselves, "20,000 shillings for short."  That means that they are willing to give a "short" sex for what is 8 U.S. dollars.  I wish they could have another means to provide money for their family, and that's the reasoning behind most of it.  However, I only saw one prostitute today so it's not like there are a slew of them.  This place has already surprised me, just because they don't have millions of dollars they are so happy.  Also stealing is a HUUUUGE no no here, my white director got her iphone stolen out of her hand from a man who ran by and grabbed it.  A swarm of eight men chased after him and beat the crap out of him, for a white woman.  These people are fantastic.

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