Saturday, January 19, 2013

Project #1: Health Clinic

Today we (my fellow 6 interns and I) took our first journey up into the mountains to visit our health clinic.  It was an hour and a half journey, but completely worth it.  The last team that was here built a health clinic, and our team is the first to open it to the public!  It's up in a tropical forest covered mountain, and prior to the clinic the nearest place to seek medical attention was a three hour walk down the side of the mountain.  Apparently most people couldn't make the trek, and they used to give c-sections in a closet using only a razor blade.  We hiked up the mountain and the view was indescribably beautiful!  It was the prettiest view I have ever seen in my entire life, words and pictures cannot describe it.  Gosh...I wish my eyes could take snapshot! Upon our arrival, the villagers went crazy.  They LOVE us!  They call us their "visitors" and they could not be more gracious. They treated us almost like royalty and the smiles never ceased.  The children were so excited to hold our hands. That's one thing, there is CONSTANT hand holding here.  The children latch on and never let go.  I'm so excited to work with the community and improve their current health state.  They've been waiting for this for so long, and their dreams are finally coming true  

  Our clinic sign! The clinic on top of the mountain. Small but needed

Village children
                  Indescribably beautiful!  Pictures can't even properly illustrate. God's masterpiece :)


  1. What a great experience for you and help to the people of Mbale! Love you!

  2. Love your blog Mandy. I wish every 1st worlder young adult would have an opportunity like yours. It would do our country literally a "world" of good to better appreciate what we have and think beyond themselves. You are so awesome. Ooh. I think I know what we're doing for FHE tonight. Sharing your blog.
