Monday, January 28, 2013

A Little Update

I know I haven't posted very much recently and that's because most of my time I'm spending on the same thing- getting ready for my project that will take place in two weekends.  Once that is done I will post more frequently!  I won't bore you with the logistics of it all, just the final product once it's complete. :)
I taught the Sunday School lesson during Church on Sunday- I was really nervous because of the language barrier.  Most people can speak a little bit of English, but they can't understand "American accents" worth a darn.  Whenever I do speak English with them, I have to speak in a Lugandan accent.  It's really hard to describe and I'm sure I sound like an idiot, but you gotta do what you gotta do.  I thought it went terribly, but everyone else said it went really well. :)  They probably said that just to make me feel good haha.
I had an experience the other day that tore me apart, mentally.  I was walking outside of my house and 3 little kids ran up to me screaming at me all happy to see the white girl.  One little girl had swear drops literally covering her face and asked for money.  She pleaded, "I'm hungry I'm hungry please."  My directory Holly who lives with us told us to never give money to kids when they ask for it because they're hungry.  She said they will literally spend every penny on it for paint to get high with (something I've witnessed first hand) or they are "owned" and any money that they get they will be forced to give to their owner.  One time Holly even bought a child food and they tried to sell it back saying that they wanted MONEY so that they could buy paint.  I had to walk away saying I didn't have anything, sorry.  I walked away, leaving the seemingly hungry (who knows if they were) children behind me.  It made me question my humanity- who turns away a starving child?  I just kept questioning myself- who was I?  I can't give them money because that would just enforce the problem.  I decided I'm going to starting walking around with food in my bag so if anything I will have at least a little something for them.  One thing is though, you have to learn to say no as gut wrenching as it is.  :/  You're white, you have more money than they do so everyone is asking from you constantly.  If you said yes to everyone that asks, you would completely out of money the second day.  That's why I'm here, teach others how to be self sustainable.  Buy a man a fish feed him for a day, teach him how to fish you feed him for a lifetime.
The most humbling experience I've had so far took place the other day.  A man with polio was just laying on the ground starring up at me.  It's one thing to see them crawling by but he just starred up at me with doe eyes for ten minutes while I was in a meeting...gosh.  I wasn't sure what he wanted, so I was just going to assume he was starring at me because I'm white (which happens frequently).  I experienced a huge humbling moment when a local man who looked like he didn't have much for himself walked by and gave the polio man some money.  I finally realized he was begging for money, not just starring.  Even though you can't give to everyone, I had to give to him- he was completely lame and literally couldn't fend for himself.  I decided to give him some shillings and my own response surprised me.  I said, "Here you go, brother" and grabbed his hand.  He clasped mine back and said, "God bless you."  Two phrases that seem so simple at first had a great impact on me.  That's literally what it's all about- God.  He is a son of God and when I called him brother, it wasn't me saying that, I genuinely feel as if it was the Spirit of Christ speaking through me to let his real brother know that he is being watched over.  That man with polio- no matter the color differences, language, or physical differences truly is my brother in Christ.  Everyone here is.

                                                           Bicycle Taxis.  Cars are rare!
                                                     This is considered a spacious house


  1. I love all of the pictures and stories:) It's so fun to feel like I get to follow a tiny part of your journey;) Take care Pretty Lady:)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad someone is actually reading this haha. Thanks for the support!

    2. I read it:) and Love it! Thanks for sharing, I know you're really busy.

  3. One of my favorites thus far, girl. Keep it up, you're am amazing person and i TOTALLY look forward to your posts :)
