Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The frustrations

My last few days has consisted of nothing but meetings!  I'm planning my "big project", well one of them, and  it's meetings galore!  Here in Uganda you can't just call someone on the phone, you must meet with them for absolutely everything.  I think my biggest challenge with this country so far is the concept of African time.  African time is so real!!!!!!  If something is supposed to start at 2, it won't start until literally 4.  Also, cancellation is frequent.  Most people also just seem to be sitting around, EVERYONE just hangs out!  I wonder sometimes how virtually anything get done here.  It's a trial of my patience- that's for sure!  I guess Heavenly Father knows that I need to be tried.  You have to adapt to the slow paced atmosphere, but at the same time I'm afraid I'll come home and be perceived as the laziest person ever because I'm used to everything taking 5 days.  The people here are lovely, but so SO SOOOO slow. :)
My second frustration is men always calling out.  It seems as if we can't walk down the street without men (who are always sitting around on the sidewalks b/c that's what they do) yelling, "Come here beautiful" "I like you" "Are you married" "Mzungoo we must talk", literally every two seconds while walking somewhere. And when I say every two seconds, that's a legitimate statement.  They either want to "get with you" or want you to buy something from them because here being white means having a perceived endless amount of money.  I understand because we are the only white people in a sea of Africans so we obviously stand out.  It's just getting kind of annoying because as sad as this is to say, you have to get used to ignoring people.  That's something I never wanted to do. :/  The people here really are wonderful, especially the children and when you stop and talk with someone on an individual level.  The problem arises when you're just walking down the street because you're a walking white piece of meat.  It's not that annoying usually, but today it's getting to me.  What I wouldn't give to just be another person in the crowd walking through the mall in America!  Just for an hour.
Okay this is my one venting post, I will allow myself one and no more.  Hope you enjoyed me griping because it will be the one and only!  Life here really is great though, I promise haha.

                                           One of many street children sleeping on cardboard
                                     Just chilling out with my mosquito net. Keeps malaria away!
                               The sewage system in Mbale!  Literally dirt, poop, and trash. Makes me cringe.
                                                People in the "waiting area" at local hospital.
                                                               Working Man
                                                 Random chicken!  They're EVERYWHERE!


  1. I love reading your blogs! But why, Why, WHY do you put on things that worry your mama- like men constantly yelling to "get with you"! UGH!! not going to lie, my stomach turned a bit. I will have faith, I will have faith! Love you and proud of you! Mom.

  2. lol mom, men do that in the U.S. too not just in Africa. It just happens a little more frequently here, I'm honestly less worried that guys here will do something than guys back home. IF something were to happen to me, everyone would know who did it because they would see them grab the one white girl and so people are more cautious. Back home, I'm one of millions so guys are more careless.
