Sunday, March 10, 2013

What I've Been Up To

The past couple weeks I've been working on various Global Health projects, and they've actually been going very slowly.  At times it can be disheartening, but I just have to remember that development isn't about just building something, giving a handout, and walking away.  Proper development entails educating the locals so that they can be self sustainable after I leave.  Hundreds of years of cultural influence cannot be just erased or changed overnight- development takes patience.  However, it's all worth it in the end.
I've been spending my time to get the groundwork started for the following projects : Every Monday I teach economics and geography classes to AP senior students at a local high school, water filters in Namatala (slum area) and implementing community water and sanitation workshops, rainwater harvesting jars in the villages of Mount Wanale, and trying to work towards getting a 20,000 L water tank available for the community where our health clinic is located (they currently have to walk approximately 30 minutes to gather water for the clinic, a school, and a church located in the same area).
But in the mean time if I have any free time I've been working in the local orphanage, and this past Saturday we had another successful HIV testing and counseling day in the slums!

This little girl just walked into the testing day and I was horrified to look down and see this...

In the slums little children don't wear shoes because they aren't able to afford them.  This is one result: little girl knocked over boiling pot of water.  Her skin was so crispy and the top of her foot was literally a gaping, infected hole.  And there she was walking around the dirt slum streets, getting more infected and it wasn't a "big deal."  Made me want to vomit.

HIV testing day

I get this a lot...blonde hair is a rare commodity :P

People waiting for the HIV test results

This is baby Grace in the orphanage.  She is the most smiley happy baby ever!  I want someone I know to adopt her so badly. I just want to take her home with me :(

Legless man with one arm begging along the streets

HIV testing day

Just a little dancin. :)
Teaching at St. Stevens Secondary School. Every Monday...I love it!


  1. I love the photo of you with all of the children. Just beautiful! Thanks for sharing your stories!

    Judi :)

  2. Amanda, I am just LOVING your blog!
    You are so inspiring and as I read about your adventures, your service and your growing testimony, I feel so privileged to know you.
    What an amazing woman you are and your humility about it all makes me cry...surprise surprise...but I am just in awe.


  3. Horrific living circumstances, and yet your photos depict beautiful, smiling, happy children<3 wish I could adopt some of these beautiful children<3

  4. I would love that little baby Grace! What a doll baby! I am SO worried about the little girl with the burnt foot. I pray she gets some medical attention. Love the work you're doing and love you! Thanks for reminding us about our bounteous blessings.

  5. Thanks for sharing, Amanda. I always look forward to seeing what things you are up to. I am loving your blog.
