Thursday, March 7, 2013

Adventure Is Out There!

Every once in awhile we have the weekends off and let me tell you- Africa has plenty to do!  To the Western world Uganda is still plagued with the reputation of being a risky, unpredictable country, however, that's not entirely the all!  Certain parts of the country have grown to be tourist destinations.  I've decided to include all of my weekend trips so far into one "super awesome adventures" post.  Enjoy! :)

First weekend: Hike to Mount Wanale Waterfalls!  (Located right in my backyard) Hardest hike of my life haha

Hike #2!  Hiking to Sippi Waterfalls.  Right after jumping into the natural pool :)

Sippi Falls

I'm on top of the world, hey!  (Imagine Dragons reference) Literally the prettiest view I've seen in my entire life.  This picture doesn't even do it justice.

This is a local African club called Thatch that's right next to my house where they had a concert.  They spotted us white girls in the crowd and made us come and dance on stage in front of hundreds of Africans.  When in Rome, right?!

My bud Freddie, the local "celebrity"/DJ.

We rafted the NILE River in Jinga, Uganda!  I learned the meaning of "Intense" that day.  The rapids were the highest class in the world (class 6), and I legitimately thought I was going to die multiple times that day- thank goodness for prayer!  It was nothing like I've ever seen before.  Our raft flipped over 3 times and I had to be rescued by kayakers each time.  Our bodies turned over like rag dolls in a washing machine in that CRAZY water, but it was so fun and worth it.  :)

Still hiking the Sippi Waterfalls.  COME A CHAMELEON!

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